Youth & community programmes
Dwaynamics ABC and Lambeth Police Partnership Sport Class
Support network and community services
Employment programmes
Mentoring sessions
Support bereaved families who have lost their children to knife crime
Placement schemes for young offenders
If you want to Kindly support our work Please make donations to our Community Bank Account Natwest Dwayne Simpson Foundation
Acct 81449216 sort 600336
Please also send us an email so we can say THANK YOU!
Support to NHS & Metropolitan Police
Educational support
Creative Arts workshops
Community projects
Dwaynamics Food bank / Nourishment hub
Liaise between community and Metropolitan Police / Lambeth & local councils
Stop & Search workshops – role play, 2 way discussions with the community
Community fun days
Dwaynamics stakeholders attend meetings at New Scotland Yard
Partner Mayor's Office MOPAC creating policies to combat youth violence / improve engagement with vulnerable youth
Life-skills workshops in schools